$100k Expansion Method: The only 4 Shifts Coaches & Service Providers Need to turn 6 figure years into 6 figure quarters!
**PLEASE NOTE: The video below is so good that once you get into it, you'll want to watch the whole thing ....wink wink**

✔ 10 success bundles with energy activation and proven strategies! (Over 75+ lessons for 6 figure success) ($3000 value!)
✔ Weekly group coaching calls where all of your burning questions are answered - 25 total! ($10,000 value!)
✔ Weekly visual critiques with my eyes and feedback all over your business! ($997 value!)
✔ Quarterly 90-day planning sessions ($1000 value)
✔ Bi-weekly energy shifting breakthrough calls ($2997 value!)
✔ Journal prompts specifically for each week's topic ($197 value)
✔ Any and ALL updates I add into the course while you are in it ($2000 value!)
✔ 6 Figure Planning Session ($500 value)
✔ A community filled with high-level, badass entrepreneurs ready to make CRAZY cash in their business and impact the masses! (priceless)
Sign up by October 29, 2021 and get a BONUS month completely for FREE!! ($1200 off!) Instead of just 6 months of support, when you sign up during the enrollment period, you'll get 7 months of support at no extra charge! I cannot wait to support you!

BONUS – Quarterly LIVE money rituals to bust through money limitations ($1000 value)
BONUS – 4 Guest expert speakers to help you accelerate faster ($500 value)
And when you PAY IN FULL you get:
BONUS – Private 1:1 call with Brooke Allison ($750 cash value)
BONUS – $1000 of extra bonus courses that the payment plan doesn't get access to!
BONUS – 3-hour Masterclass –> Scale Fast to $10k Cash!
BONUS – 3 Day Video Series –> Money-Making Sales Queen!
BONUS – $1200 off!!
The next round is starting soon! $10K - $50k+ months are waiting on you!

Stuck on the financial rollercoaster, with no clear plan to 5 figure cash months and your next $100K?
It's absolutely essential that you create true sustainability and consistency in your online service-based business.

Stop stressin' and start making 6 figures+.
Take a minute and imagine your life 6 months from now...
✔️ -Imagine having a step by step 6 figure acceleration plan knowing exactly what actions you need to do each month, week, and day in your service-based business. You know that you have income coming in each month in your online business, with your base revenue plan and get to scale it confidently with new sales each and every month.
✔️ -Imagine doubling or even 10xing your income, impact, and your free time. (hell yeah!) Hitting the 5 figure income months you dreamed about (6 months ago) in your online service-based business. You are now highly recommended and requested as the go-to expert in your field.
✔️ -Imagine feeling completely clear, confident, and Fiercely Unstoppable® in pursuit of your true soul desires. You wake up feeling excited about the work you’re doing and confident in your pricing, your sales, your offers, and your strategic 6 figure business plan. You now KNOW success is happening for you each and every day.
✔️ -Imagine the influx of massive cash ($$$$$$$) Imagine receiving more money than you could ever imagine! Enrolling 1, 5, 10, even 15+ clients a month into your signature scalable offer, with more leads coming in!
Life BEFORE 6 Figure Consistent Cash Flow:
✖️ On the financial rollercoaster in your service based business, dying to get off.
✖️ You are currently undercharging and overworked just wishing for something to be different in your business.
✖️ You are trying anything and everything strategy and mindset wise hoping it’s the “magic” thing that works for you in your business.
✖️ You are working day in and day out online yet still not seeing the results you desire.
✖️ Your offerings feel scattered without any clear vision to get to $10k+ months.
✖️ Sales feel hard and far and in between, you are ready for more consistency in clients and cash flow.
✖️ You don’t have a clear plan for your next $100k which is causing overwhelm and confusion
Life AFTER 6 Figure Consistent Cash Flow:
✅ Growing and expansive income and impact in your online service based business.
✅ A clear plan and personalized strategies to scale to your next $100k+.
✅ Consistent clients and high 5 figure cash months.
✅ Solid systems and processes in place to run your 6 figure+ business.
✅ More freedom! Working less yet making more!
✅ Hitting 6 Figures+ year after year.
✅ Feeling on FIRE and completely Fiercely Unstoppable® on your entrepreneurial journey.
✅ A complete energetic shift internally which natrually draws in $100k+ success just by being you!
What would it mean to you to have a personalized step-by-step plan to your 6 Figure+ year?
Starting NOW will allow you to:
Generate income and impact NOW (aka even in the first week!)
Create your scalable product funnel that leads people from stranger to paying customer again and again (aka more sales more often!)
Access the freedom based lifestyle you’re desiring now (more time, more cash, more clients, more fun)
There is no better time than right NOW to get started on your 6 Figure+ business vision.

The truth is, it’s just a few tweaks you need to shift and once fixed, the magic happens!
(aka..those Holy Sh*t Results!)
By the end of this program...
- You will have a clear strategy to get you to those $10k months and above!
- You will have a six figure business plan you can run with!
- You will become an energetic match for attracting all the abundance you crave!
- You will be confident in your vision, your message, and be crystal clear on how to get to 5 figure months and a 6 figure year!
- You will become pro at all things sales, attracting, overcoming objections, and closing!
- You will step into the person who draws in clients with ease just by being you!
There is no other program out there that gives you ALL the tools needed to scale to consistent 5 figure cash months and hit your next $100k.
I’m teaching you all the tools and strategies needed to help you make money in your business for the rest of your life.
This is the only program out there that supports you with proven strategy, energy activation, and mind mastery for your success!
Watch how Victoria signed 11 clients in 13 days + had her best business month!!
Watch how Anja went from 0 to signing
9 clients in 2 weeks!

Access to the 6-Month 6 Figure Consistent Cash Flow Program & Curriculum
This program is intentionally designed to be a 6 month container as we create your scalable product funnel and optimize your personalized strategies for $100k+ success. This gives you time to shift, add, remove, launch, and so much more on your 6 Figure+ journey.

Weekly Group Coaching Calls with Brooke Allison
Each week, we have high level coaching calls together. This is where we will discuss strategies and anything you need to produce consistent clients and cash.

Weekly Visual Critique & Review
Each week, you can submit your visual work for feedback and critique. This is where we will have our hands, eyes, and ears all over your visual work giving you actionable expert feedback on your copy, funnel, strategy, marketing, and more.

Bi-Weekly Energy Shifting Calls
Bi-Weekly, we fully focus on developing your million dollar expansive mindset by shifting your energy. Each session we focus on your personal fear, worry, struggle, and help you SHIFT in a matter of minutes as you run towards your next $100k!

Private Community & Coaching
You’ll be part of a private Facebook Community with other high-level, like minded members. This is your area to surround yourself with future 6- and 7- figure business owners, ask questions, and get support in the private access group.

LIVE Quarterly Money Rituals
Each quarter you get a special client only invite to an in depth Money Ritual to re align with your vision and bust through any money limitations keeping you stuck. THESE ARE POWERFUL

Expert Interview Vault
You’ll get access to top industry experts giving private training’s on passive income, PR, IG Growth, Pinterest for business, and more!
⭐ You already have a Service-Based business. A coach, consultant, expert, done for you, realtor, photographer, graphic designer, anything that provides a service. You’ve signed clients before and you’re ready to make it more consistent at a higher level.
⭐ You are making some money but are dedicated to scale to $10k (minimum) each month. You are ready to do anything and everything to fully focus on consistent five figure cash months.
⭐ You are willing and ready to do the work if you had a step by step action plan.
⭐ You are committed to taking 100% responsibility for your experience knowing you are the only one who can generate success for you. You’re ready and excited to show up, ask for feedback and help when needed, and do the work!

I’m going to give you EVERYTHING you need to create consistent cash and scale to 6 Figures+.
Simply follow the course work, implement the tools, show up to shift and get support, and get ready for your Holy Sh*t results!
I am here for anything and everything you need, nothing is off limits. I am so dedicated to your success through proven strategy, energy activation, and mind mastery.
Truthfully, there has never been a better time to scale your business.
The longer you wait, the more your clients can’t access the solution you have for them and they start seeking it elsewhere.
Why would you want to wait another 6 months when you could have an extra $100k in 6 months?

NOW is the best time to massively scale your business.
The longer you wait, the more your clients can’t access the solution you have for them and they start seeking it elsewhere.
Why would you want to wait another 6 months when you could have an extra $100k in 6 months?
You have TWO choices here:
Option #1:
You can choose to waste more time, money, and energy trying to do all of this yourself. How much is this already costing you? Hours? .. Months? .. Years?
Option #2:
You can steal my step by step 6 Figure+ success plan and spend the next 6 months building a scalable business with proven strategies and start seeing the Holy Sh*t results meant for you!
AKA: You feeling on FIRE while receiving more cash and clients than ever before after you jump into 6 Figure Consistent Cash Flow

Here's why this will help you become more successful, FASTER:
I have combined a blend of energy activation and proven strategy for 6 figure+ success. This is everything I have done to go from food stamps to a multiple 6 figure and growing into a multi million dollar business. It's not just me, it's my clients too! $50k cash in 6 weeks, $10k weeks, $35k after one shift, $7k days, the list goes on and on and I am ready and excited to help you make as much money as you want with a step by step plan along the way!
With 6 month access to a 4 tier support system, you have everything you need to help you make money in your business for the rest of your life!
Why would you wait when you could start making more money and have more satified clients NOW?
How much is it costing you NOT to have a 6 Figure Acceleration Plan?